Daniel 〈 ODD ENDS 〉展覽自述



Dan Castelaz 本文譯.陳志宇




說到我偶爾會製作版畫,這可能牴觸了我一開始的聲明。要是我那麼欽佩版畫家的話,就該守好自己的本分,不該跨足他人的專業。不過這次展覽的圖像都是凸版印刷(relief prints)的形式,一種古老且簡單的印刷,所以我沒有冒犯到蝕刻版或雕刻大師的領域。事實上,我用來製成這些圖像的橡皮圖章是別人刻的,我只做了設計和印製的工作。少數的幾件作品,我會刻簡單的木版或膠版,作為背景圖案,或者稍微修改已經刻好的橡皮章圖案。總之,我創作了這些版畫,而它們和我做的雕塑及寫下的詩之間,也有程度上的關聯。




從同樣的那段文字裡,我寫了更多的詩。這些詩成為《The Moleskine Poems》。

蘑菇替我設計《The Moleskine Poems》,並且安排印刷。我刻了三枚橡皮圖章,把它們印在其中幾本的背面,這讓部份的《The MoleskinePoems》有了自己的個性。

我設計了更多的橡皮圖章,並將它們印製成《The Notebook Prints》,蘑菇構思了《The Notebook Prints》的封面,並且完成裝幀。






orig. texts:

Title of Exhibit: ODD ENDS:

Selected Prints and Drawings

Dan Castelaz

Printmakers are to be admired. Historically viewed as mere craftsmen or technicians, they have rarely received the attention or the income of painters. The art of the printmaker is intimately connected to a process driven by rules, and thus the printmaker himself must possess a particularand fastidious character.

I am not, therefore, a printmaker.

It perhaps goes against my opening statement, then, to say that I do occasionally make prints, for if I truly admire printmakers I should leave their work to them. However, all the images in this exhibit are relief prints, the oldest and simplest form of printmaking, so at least I am not treading in the realm of the master etcher or engraver. In fact, the rubber stamps I used to make these images were cut by someone else; I only did the designing and then the printing. For a few of them, I cut a simple woodblock or piece of linoleum for a background shape, or I slightly modified what was already cut into the rubber stamp. However, I did make these prints and there is a connection between them and the sculptures that I make, and the poems I write. It goes like this:

I have written poems for years.

I was building a sculpture in my workspace in Tien-mu.

I wrote a poem to put on that sculpture using words from a piece of writing that I got with a Moleskine brand notebook.

I wrote more poems using words from that same piece of writing.

Those poems became the book The Moleskine Poems.

Mogu designed The Moleskine Poems book for me and arranged the printer.

And here I am, with a show at Mogu.

The drawings I have included were all made while I was working on my sculptures in the past couple of years. My habit was to take a break from the more physical work of the sculpture to draw on paper I would hang on my studio walls. The drawings in this show all seem to have forms that are organic; I have no explanation for that except to comment that the material. I used to draw was color pencil on watercolor paper and perhaps they tended to bring out a delicacy not found in the sculptures.

