物言志:另一个我 —— 亚洲新生代设计展

對方是在廣州的設計雜誌design 360,


物言志:另一个我 —— 亚洲新生代设计展




Design, an infant industry, plays an important role in cultural life and economy. Especially in China, numerous opportunities will definitely emerge in the rapid developing period. Many advance designers try to discover every new possibility to mature the design industry, aiming to usher in a colorful life style filled with creativity.

"Thinking thing: Seeking soul" is the theme of the new Asian generation product exhibition. "Thinking thing" dates back to the saying "express aspiration by describing things"(Tuo wu yan zhi). Design works are not in common with those original items. Designers bestow the thoughts and ideas on the products, the "things" are not only seen and touched but also to inspire and move people.

Among this, "Seeking soul" will fully express Asian cultural features and its cultural difference from the western countries through the products. Traditional Asian culture pays much attention to the "soul". And the products are the spokesperson to reflect how the designers and artists think. This exhibition shows how the designers and artists seek their souls.


策展人 :王绍强/赵 宇/吴岫微(助理)

Curator : Wang Shaoqiag, Zhao Yu, Vivi Woo (Assistant)

参展艺术团体:京东都 / 日本;About Blank / 韩国(日本-芬兰);水越设计 / 台湾;蘑菇 / 台湾;Little Factory / 香港;JL / 上海;PQ Apartment / 上海;nothing.cn / 厦门

Participant : Kyototo / Japan, About Blank / Korea (Japan-Finland), Agua Design / Taiwan, Booday / Taiwan, Little Factory / Hongkong, JL / Shanghai, PQ Apartment / Shanghai, nothing.cn / Xiamen


开幕酒会 Opening :18.09.2010 / 3:00 pm. - 5:00 pm.
展览时间 Exhibition Time :18.09.2010 - 18.10.2010
展览地点 Adress :北京朝阳区酒仙桥路4号798艺术区陶瓷三街360°店
360°shop Ceramics 3rd Street, 798 Art Zone, No.4 Jiuxianqiao Rd., Chaoyang District, Beijing
联系电话 Tel :+86 10-59789476




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